Canada Med Stop

Try These 3 Methods to Avoid the Worst of Acne

Wednesday 3 April 2019
Skin Conditions
2 minute(s) read
By Anonymous

Living with acne can be unbearable. Whether you’re young or old, it’s embarrassing to have swollen bumps all over your skin. After all, your skin is a major part of your body image, and no one likes seeing it marred. So it’s no surprise when 6–7% of people who suffer from acne also deal with suicidal ideation.

While this situation may feel isolating, you’re not alone. Approximately, 50 million Americans deal with the same issue yearly.

Because of the prevalence of acne, people have not stopped looking for a cure. As a result, researchers have found a number of treatments. One of these treatments even involves a vaccine to lessen the reaction people have to the bacteria that causes acne.

Unfortunately, this vaccine is not available just yet. But there are still a number of effective treatments for acne out there, and here are three particular methods you can try.

1. See what treatments your doctor can offer.

First, make sure you seek out your doctor’s advice. They should be able to help you find a number of effective treatments. They may even offer you a prescription for tretinoin to better treat your acne.

To make that prescription more affordable, you can buy tretinoin here at Canada Med Stop. We can help connect you to licensed pharmacies outside of the United States, where prescription prices are substantially less expensive.

Woman Taking Selfie

2. Consider chemical peels.

If you want a strong treatment for acne that isn’t a harsh medication, you might want to consider chemical peels.

These peels are essentially acids that you can have a professional esthetician or doctor apply to your acne-affected skin. First, your health-care professional will choose which acid would work best for your condition. Then, they’ll apply that particular acid to your acne-affected skin. The acid will stay there for around three to five minutes. After that time is up, the peel will be removed.

This acid application helps remove a layer or more of your skin to force it to regenerate faster. As a result, you will experience renewed skin, improved skin texture, and clogged pore prevention. Depending on the peel, these benefits could help reduce your acne by 47% to 75%.

Lined Orange-and-clear Syringes

3. Try steroid injections.

A less severe treatment you might try is steroid injections. Instead of stripping away layers of your skin with chemical peels, you can just have your doctor inject a steroid into the areas where you have acne. This will help reduce your acne’s swelling and redness.

It’s important to note, though, that this option should be considered seriously. Don’t just jump onto the idea. You’ll need to be okay dealing with risks too, such as weight gain and sudden mood swings.

Whatever you do, know that your acne does not have to be a permanent mark on your life. There are plenty of treatments out there that can help you restore your skin to its happy, healthy self.

DISCLAIMER: The content in this article is intended for informational purposes only. This website does not provide medical advice. In all circumstances, you should always seek the advice of your physician and/or other qualified health professionals(s) for drug, medical condition, or treatment advice. The content provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.