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Benazepril is an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. It is used mainly to treat hypertension. This drug is not approved for use by patients under 6 years of age.

Take benazepril with/without food and drink plenty of water while on this medication. This medication may cause dehydration, so alert your physician if you experience ongoing vomiting, diarrhea, or heavy sweating. Inform medical personnel, such as a surgeon, that you are taking benazepril before a procedure.


Do not use if you are pregnant, if you’ve had angioedema, have hereditary angioedema, are allergic to other ACE inhibitors, or within 36 hours before/after taking a drug that contains sacubatril. Diabetes and kidney disease patients may need to avoid combining benazepril with aliskiren. As benazepril interacts with many drugs and conditions, inform your doctor thoroughly of your medical history. Avoid standing/sitting up too quickly. Use caution when exercising or in high heat as you can easily become dehydrated. Avoid alcohol.

Side Effects

Go to urgent care if you suspect an allergic reaction or severe skin reaction. Call doctor as soon as you can if you experience serious effects such as: lightheadedness, little/no urination, symptoms of high potassium levels or liver problems. Other side effects include: drowsiness, headache, cough. This drug may interact with: salt substitutes, potassium supplements, aliskiren, sacubatril.

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